Illegal Gambling Singapore Law

In Singapore just like any other country in the world, organized crime is considered a criminal act and includes running unlicensed money lending facilities and operating illegal gambling dens among other crimes. Given the severe penalty attached to them, Singapore records an average low crime rate compared to the rest of the world. Singapore has two important gambling laws — the Common Gaming Houses Act and the Betting Act. Both make it illegal for private companies and individuals to operate online as well as land-based bookie businesses within the country.

How is maintenance upon divorce awarded in Singapore? If the wife earns more than the husband, can she still ask for maintenance? In what circumstances does the wife have to provide maintenance for her husband/ex-husband, if any?

Maintenance of the Wife

Section 113 of the Women’s Charter empowers the court to order a man to pay maintenance to his wife or former wife, either during matrimonial proceedings, or after a divorce, judicial separation, or nullity of marriage has been finalised.


The fact that the wife is drawing a large salary (evincing financial self-sufficiency) may influence the Judge, who may be reluctant to award a high quantum, if any, in maintenance fees to the wife. Also, the division of matrimonial assets, especially in circumstances where substantial assets are awarded to the wife, may justify a smaller maintenance for the wife. Maintenance may be paid either in a lump sum or in periodic payments.

Maintenance of the Husband

For a long time now, the law in Singapore was such that the husband was the only party required to provide maintenance for his ex-wife where necessary. However, amendments to the Women’s Charter have made it possible for the husband to apply for maintenance as well. Ill or incapacitated husbands or ex-husbands can now apply for maintenance if they are:

  • Incapacitated by a physical or mental disability, before or during the course of marriage;
  • Unable to earn a living as a result of the disability; and
  • Unable to support themselves

Determining the Quantum of Maintenance

Illegal Gambling Singapore Law Firm

The court will look at the facts and determine whether the party seeking maintenance has such a need; and if so, the appropriate quantum of maintenance. Pursuant to section 114 of the Women’s Charter, the factors that will influence such a decision include:

  1. The earning power of both parties, previously, currently and in the future.
  2. The assets owned by either and both parties.
  3. The financial needs, obligations and responsibilities of both parties in the future. (For example if the wife is awarded the care and control of the child, she would also need to bear the financial burden of raising the child, whilst the child would require maintenance too. Therefore, the husband may be ordered to pay for such sums.)
  4. The standard of living enjoyed by the family before the marriage broke down.
  5. The age of the parties and the duration of the marriage.
  6. The contributions made by each party to the family.
  7. Any potential losses suffered by the parties as a result of the marriage.

Tip for Spouses Applying for Maintenance

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Even if the Judge is reluctant to order a large maintenance fee, the party applying for maintenance should still push for at least a nominal maintenance fee of $1. This ensures that he/she still has an option of applying for an increase in maintenance under section 112 of the Women’s Charter in future, should the need arise.

Illegal Gambling Singapore Law Enforcement

However, if the Judge does not grant any maintenance at all, there is no possibility of obtaining maintenance subsequently.

Hence to ensure that there is a safety net of having maintenance when needed, one should try to obtain minimally a $1 maintenance fee. This was highlighted in the Court of Appeal case of AFE v APF, where it was clarified that a lack of order given by the Judge equated to closing off any prospects of maintenance indefinitely.

What to Do If Your Spouse Refuses to Comply with the Maintenance Order

Should your spouse refuse to comply with the maintenance order, you can apply to enforce the maintenance order against your spouse.

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