Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Strategy

  1. Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Strategy List
  2. Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy

Gain access to our advanced Pineapple Open Face Chinese simulator and rating system. Open Face Chinese, nicknamed OFC, is a poker variation that will definitely grow into you! It is a relatively young game, still in evolution, and very much appreciated by some of the most of the famous poker players and high rollers. The beauty of the game is that there is no folding option, so you play every hand and you are always in action!

  • We have taken the proper training in usage and handling of e-mail addresses, e-mail lists, and sending newsletters. We will never give your e-mail address to a third party. We will only use it keep you updated on our products, articles, and promotions. If at any time you wish to stop recieving e-mails from us, you will have a safe and easy unsubscribe option. We strongly value your privacy, and respect the trust you place with us when giving us your e-mail address or other information.

  • This site is dedicated to helping you improve your Open-face Chinese Poker strategy. We are designing and introducing tools that can help you identify your leaks, and fix them. We also want to make users aware of possible cheating and 'bot' using that may be going on in the OFC community. We are dedicated to spreading information, but are strongly against using our tools, or any computer assistance, during actual gameplay.

  • During the pre-launch phase we have created a simple database for subscribers to input any current hand questions they have, and await the result, or scroll through and learn from.

    We are selling access to our database through our Hand Input and Tactics Trainer web apps. We designed these tools to train you in playing perfect Pineapple Open-Face Chinese. We are the first site to openly offer 100% exhaustive solutions (meaning each answer was simulated to the very end, as opposed to sampling which can be highly inaccurate but get a result much faster). While we continue to build out the site and web apps, we are offering huge discounts on the upcoming subscriptions.

  • OFC EV Simulators and other strategy information, programs, and tools are already out there. Everyone is constantly improving their strategy and it's important that you keep up. Some people have even created their own Simulators for personal use, and may have even been using them as 'bots' to beat people out of real money. Even if they were used in a more professional manner, the players are undoubtedly strengthening their games each time they use these powerful tools. If you don't work on your game, you will start to fall behind, and find yourself playing against players that are consistently beating you, and that isn't what you want.

  • Play Warren uses a neural net approach to reach estimated solutions to each hand question. We use an exhaustive simulation approach and simplification techniques, which means when we research 'this' hand, our simulator has no knowledge about any other hand we have simulated in the past.

    Play Warren is not enumerating 100% of each situation, which can quickly lead to accuracy issues, and have you doubting the solution. There is nothing worse than running the same simulation twice and getting two different answers.

    Our simulator will never do that. We always enumerate 100% of the hand, using logical shortcuts, which guarantees an extremely high degree of accuracy. So while they may be able to get a 5th street evaluation in a few seconds, we get the actual answer in a few hours. We believe having the right answer is more important than having a fast answer, especially in very close situations.

  • If you have signed up for a subscription, your subscription will not start until the official launch of the site, at which point you will be notified via email. Launch is expected to be around October or November of 2014. Until then you will be able to submit hand questions and get responses via e-mail to: Sign up now for huge discounts, before prices go up for our launch.

  • We are currently focused on building tools for Pineapple Open-Face Chinese. We find the game to be more fun and engaging, and think its a better game than Traditional Open-Face Chinese. But we do plan to build out the Traditional OFC functionality soon as well.

  • Early game solutions are just around the corner and will be available by the time we launch.

  • Right now we cannot do starting hands do to the added level of complexity. We are working on the solution and it will be available as soon as possible.

  • Due to the demand, we will eventually offer 3-Player Pineapple. If more users are interested in 3 and 4 player Traditional OFC, we can build out the technology, but currently have no plans to do so.

  • Our current launch date is estimated to be around the end of 2014. As we get closer and closer, more and more services will become available as we complete them.

  • That site was a great start for our product lines and taught us a lot about the limitations and capabilities of OFC simulators. After reviewing the market and the power of our current simulator, we decided to pivot our business plan, and Open Face Solutions is the result. We wanted to create a global community where people shared their love and knowledge of the game, and we thought we needed a better name to fit that model.

  • Derric Haynie has been a professional poker player for 10 years and has a strong reputation in the poker community. He has written a book on poker, called 'Quantum Poker,' and continues to participate in the community as an educator, columnist for Card Player Magazine, and a coach in the online forums and training sites. Helmuth has been a software developer for the poker community for many years, and has helped conquer many of poker's greatest questions using software he designed. Maintaining a strong reputation in the community is the most important part of providing our services, and we look forward to working with you and providing excellent customer service.

  • Some Simulator specs:

    - Runs on Dedicated 8-Core 'Process Optimized' Server

    - Average of 240 Million simulations / second

    - Always does a complete analysis - 100% exhaustive.

    - FantasyLand Valued at 7.5 Points

    Our Simulator works by finding the Game Theoretically Optimal - GTO - play at every decision point from 'this' point in the hand onward. It never makes a guess or approximation of the answer using a sampling method, but instead takes an exhaustive - or fully enumerative - approach to ensure precision. In order to achieve maximum speed with the simulator we added a few shortcuts:

    Suit Removal - this means it doesn't care whether you have a 4-flush in hearts or spades, it simplifies all situations to the fewest suits possible. This is especially helpful in late game situations where there might not be any flushes possible.

    Foul Checking - it checks to see if a play gives a 100% foul, and if it does, it doesn't enumerate that play (as its the worst possible play you can make), unless all plays give a 100% foul, in which case it chooses the last play and enumerates once filling in the value for the rest of the plays and saving up to 26x the work.

    Hidden Card Irrelevance - when using an exhaustive approach, it turns out the value of being able to hide an important card from your opponent (on the sum of all future plays) doesn't affect what play you should make. This does technically skew the value of all plays, but is still not a problem because all answers are skewed by the same measure, so the best play never changes.

    Our simulator limitations:

    Value of hidden information on 'this' street - even though the enumerative value of hidden information on all of the future streets does not change the underlying values of the answers, their is a little bit of value in hiding information on 'this' current street. Right now we value these two plays the same:

    a card that is of equal value to us, but exposes a valuable card to our opponent

    and a card that is of equal value to us, and gives no additional value to our opponent.

    So, for example, if our opponent needs an Ace in the middle to make a pair of aces, hiding an ace might help us a little by getting them to make a different decision down the road. Assuming the ace changes absolutely nothing for the value of our hand, we value discarding it the same as discarding any other card that doesn't change the value of our hand, even though it is clearly better to discard the Ace. The simulator does not account for this, because according to its enumeration, the ace is already a dead card, or permanently out of the deck, regardless of whether we play it or not. In order to properly account for this we would have to create either a highly complex and slow algorithm, or a neural net, both of which take away from the current power of our simulator. And since discarding the ace is only about 0.1 points better than the alternative option, it's really not a big deal. Anyone paying attention to the hand in question should be able to logically deduce that secret bonus value of hiding the information.

    Early-Street Calculations - because we literally run every possible answer all the way to the end, early street calculations (which can require literally a billion trillion simulations) can take a long time under the current simulation method (like 7 days+). While we are working on a new method, specifically machine learning, or advanced branch trimming, we will be limited in our access to early street solutions. We know they are among the most important solutions out there and look forward to providing them as soon as we can.

    For any other questions about the simulator, please contact us at We love to talk about it and are very open about our process.

First off, sorry for taking such a long time between posts. I have had a lot going on and havent been involved in the Chinese Open Face App after I sold my portion. I do plan to continue posting about the game however, and the big shift over to Pineapple OFC has changed the strategy in the game dramatically.Open face chinese poker pineapple strategy for beginners
The best advise I can give for playing Pineapple is BE AGGRESSIVE! You have to set your hands to play for Fantasy Land any chance you get. I am still working on figuring out the odds (this is much more complicated that regular OFC) but your chances of covering an early run at Fantasy Land are much better than you would think if you have been playing regular OFC. For example, you are dealt 772KK. In standard OFC, you would easily set your hand with KK77 in the back and the 2 in the middle or up top. In Pineapple, you must set your hand 772 in the back and KK in the middle to try and get a chance at Fantasy Land.Open face chinese poker appOpen Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Strategy
OpenSimilarly, if you have Q up top, K45 in the middle, and JJ8 in the back, and then draw QXX, you should place the Q on top and go for fantasy land. You are drawing to 2 pair or trips in the back, and then either KK or two pair with 4s and 5s in the middle. Picking 2/3 for two more draws, you get to look at 6 more cards to improve your hand. Think of it as implied odds as you do in holdem. If you hit Fantasy Land, you have a chance to really win big!

Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Strategy List

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Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy

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