Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker App

TonyBet Poker launched in December 2013 and became an instant hit thanks to it. Welcome to Pineapple OFC, the version of Open Face Chinese Poker in which players make hands that are twice as big in half the rounds, where Fantasyland is not just possible but standard, and where. The only site we’re aware of offering open-face chinese poker online for real money is TonyBet. Click here to sign up at TonyBet, which offers both OFC and Pineapple OFC. Play OFC or POFC at TonyBet.

  1. Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Rules
  2. Chinese Pineapple Poker
  3. Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker Online
  4. Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker Appetizers
  5. Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker online, free

This month I’ve been teaching myself how to play Crazy Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker with Fantasyland. It is an awesome game, but needs a new name. For now, we’ll call it “OFC.”

Using Corvid’s OFC Poker app on my iPad ($5.99), anyone with an iPad or iPhone (I suspect this is also available for other smart device formats – Samsung, Droid, whatever…) can play OFC with friends, in much the same manner of Words With Friends and similar games. The app does not accept deposits or settle up monetary bets.

Pineapple Open-Face Chinese Poker. ยังช่วยสร้าง the ABC Open-Face Chinese Poker iPhone App คุณสามารถ. Chinese poker is an exciting type of poker based on making familiar combinations.Chinese open face poker is classically played as a two- to the four-person game. There are more than a dozen types of Chinese poker, the most popular of which in the Russian-speaking environment is Chinese pineapple poker.Such a name is associated with the schematic shape of the player’s hand, which consists of.

OFC is designed for 2 players, although it can be played with 3 players. Leave out the Crazy Pineapple part, and 4 players can play. But never more than that. The OFC app is set up for 2 players only (if there is a setting to add a 3rd player, I haven’t discovered it yet). In this game, players take turns, so when it is your turn, the app simply waits for you to act. When you do, your opponent gets a prompt that the action is now on him or her.

How to play, you might ask?

OFC is built on traditional Chinese Poker. In traditional Chinese poker, each player is dealt 13 cards. You then organize the cards into 3 poker hands: Two 5-card hands, and one 3-card hand. The 3-card hand is placed on the table above (or in front of) one of the 5-card hands, which is placed above the other 5-card hand. There is a requirement for the bottom hand to be the strongest, followed by the middle hand, with the top hand being the weakest. No straights or flushes can count for the top hand since it only has 3 cards. So an arrangement might look like this:

Top 8d 8c 3s One pair of eights

Middle Ts 9d Tc 9s Kd Two pair, tens and nines

Bottom Ah Kh Jh 4h 2h Flush, ace high

Next, you compare your top hand to your opponents top hand, middle v. middle and bottom v. bottom. Whoever has the strongest hand on each row wins one “point” for that row.

Open Face Chinese Poker Pineapple Rules

If real money is involved (this is poker, after all), each point has an agreed upon monetary value. While at the WSOP this summer, I saw OFC being played in the cash games area for $10 per point and higher.

Next, you determine whether any bonus (or “royalty”) points have been won. If you win all three rows, in addition to 3 points, you also get a bonus of 3 more points for scooping. There are also bonuses based on hand strength. The minimum requirement is a straight on the bottom (worth 2 bonus points), or three of a kind in the middle (worth 2 points), or a pair of sixes on the top (worth 1 point). In my sample hand above, the flush on the bottom is worth 4 bonus points, and the pair of eights on the top is worth 3 bonus points.

Notice that I could have arranged these cards differently, with two pair of nines and eights in the middle and one pair of tens at the top. The pair of tens would be worth 5 bonus points, so that would be a more profitable play.

If the top hand is stronger than the middle, or the middle is stronger than the bottom, your entire hand is “foul” (a/k/a “misset” or simply disqualified) and you are not eligible to win ANY points on the hand regardless of the strength of any individual row.

Got it? That’s just traditional Chinese Poker. Now for the Open Face part.

In OFC, each player is dealt 5 cards and takes turns setting these initial cards in the 3 rows. It might look like this:

Top 2c Useless card

Middle 7d 7h Setting a pair

Bottom Qs Js 9s Setting up for a flush or straight

Once a card is placed at the top/middle/bottom, it cannot be later moved to another row. OFC is a button game, so the player with the dealer button acts last, and has the benefit of seeing the opponent’s first 5 cards before acting. In the example above, if I had the button and my opponent showed 4 spades in his arrangement, I might try a different strategy instead of going for a flush on the bottom.

Then each player is dealt one card at a time, in sequence (button still last to act), and places each card in one of the rows to try to score the most points. After the first 5 cards are set, back and forth you go for 8 more cards, one at a time, until all 13 have been set. There are 3 simultaneous equations to solve here: 1) not fouling the hand, by making sure the bottom beats the middle, which beats the top; 2) having enough strength in each row to beat the opponent’s corresponding row; and 3) winning bonus/royalty points. Here is a good article with full details of bonus/royalty scoring.

Got it? But wait, there’s more. Whenever the top hand is QQ or higher (QQ earns 7 bonus points, and the hand is not fouled, you get to go to “Fantasyland.” This simply means that on the next hand, you get all 13 cards at once (like traditional Chinese Poker) and have complete information to use in arranging your 3 rows. Not only is there no risk of fouling your hand, but you never miss out on a huge hand like quads or a straight flush by splitting these up into different rows early in the hand. When you finish arranging the hand, you place all of the cards face down in their respective rows, so your opponent has no knowledge of which cards he might need to complete his rows are already dead. To your opponent, your hand looks like this:

Top x x x

Middle x x x x x

Bottom x x x x x

Obviously, going to Fantasyland is a huge benefit. But there is also a lot of risk of fouling the entire hand, if for example your first five cards include two Kings, and you decide to place them on the top row prior to having stronger hands in the middle and bottom. Gulp!

Got it? But wait, so far I’ve only covered OFC with Fantasyland. What about Crazy Pineapple?

In the Crazy Pineapple version, after the first 5 cards are set, each player is dealt 3 cards at a time. When it is your turn, you set 2 of 3 on the board, selecting the optimal row, and the 3rd card is discarded. Instead of 9 turns per player to complete a hand (initial 5 cards, then 8 turns with 1 card at a time), it only takes 5 turns per player (initial 5 cards, then 4 turns of setting 2 cards and discarding 1). This speeds up the game. Crazy Pineapple also gives you more total cards to choose from, resulting in more bonus points and trips to Fantasyland, making this the most popular version of the game for high rollers and gamblers. Since your opponent is looking at more total cards, when you do get to Fantasyland in the Crazy Pineapple version, you get dealt 14 cards instead of 13, and sometimes that last card is just what you need to score extra points.

Thus the final full name: “Crazy Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker, with Fantasyland.”

About that name… it is hilarious when I mention this game to some of my poker-addicted friends. They screw their faces all up and say, oh my gosh, I could never learn a game as complicated as “Crazy Fantasy Island Open Face, Closed Mouth, Ancient Chinese Parcheesi Poker with a Twist” or whatever that was you just said. It’s just too complicated. This reaction comes before they even hear how the game is played.

Now that I’ve played a few dozen games, I can tell you dear readers, this game is not really so complicated. The mechanics are actually pretty straightforward: make 3 hands of progressive strength, then compare to your opponent’s 3 hands.

What is needed is a simpler name. When you first heard of Texas Hold’em or Omaha, surely that didn’t sound as difficult as building the entire Great Wall of China. I think I’m going to try “Open Face” as a short-hand name. Regular OFC players tend to fall back on the 3-letter acronym (“TLA”) OFC, but I’m not a big fan of TLAs in the first place. I mean, WTF, some people have trouble deciphering the acronyms, and the short-hand becomes a big WOT (waste of time) when you could have gotten TTP (to the point) by simply pronouncing the words rather than the letters. OMG. Let’s rein in the acronyms. LOL.

If you want to try some Open Face with me, for fun or money, download this app on your smart device. My ID is KKing David. I’m currently playing with 3 friends for $0.10 per point. The app sets up a game as 20 hands in the Crazy Pineapple version, or 10 hands of the regular OFC version, but this appears to be an arbitrary cutoff. In a live, casino OFC game, the loser of each hand would pass chips to the winner based on the net points for that hand. Since the app doesn’t facilitate the exchange of money, settling up after each batch of 20 hands makes sense. So far the largest scores have been about 100 points over a game of 20 hands, which at $0.10 per point is ten bucks.

Hopefully more posts to follow exploring some of the strategic and tactical issues, which I am still very much in the infancy of learning.

Pineapple open face chinese poker apps
Nikolai Yakovenko

Poker pro Nikolai Yakovenko, co-creator of the ABC Open-Face Chinese Poker iPhone app, returns today to explain the rules of a new, popular variant of OFC, Open-Face Chinese Poker with 2-7 in the Middle.

Open-Face Chinese Poker with 2-7 in the Middle — a.k.a. “2-7 OFC” or “Deuce Pineapple” — is a turn-based card game that is played heads up, or sometimes three-handed. Players take turns, drawing cards and placing them into three separate poker hands. Each of these hands is played face up, meaning that players can see all of the cards that have been played, and these cards can’t be moved between each player’s three poker hands once they have been placed.

The “Deuce” designation means that the middle poker hand is played according to the rankings used in 2-7 lowball, while the other two hands are played as regular “high” poker hands.

The game might sound complicated, but it really isn’t. Deuce Pineapple is now available on the ABC Open-Face Chinese Poker app, for iPhone and iPad. You can practice against our computer AI, or challenge your friends to a turn-based match.

Later this week I’ll return with some discussion of strategy for 2-7 OFC, but today let’s focus on understanding the rules of the game.

Chinese Pineapple Poker

Three Hands: High, Low, High

The objective of 2-7 Open-Face Chinese is to place 13 cards into three hands: a five-card bottom hand, a five-card middle hand, and a three-card top hand.

As noted, the game plays just like high-only Pineapple OFC, except with the middle played as a 2-7 lowball hand. This means that your bottom hand is a regular five-card poker hand (with flushes, straight and full houses), the top hand is a three-card high hand (including pairs, trips, but no three-card straights or flushes), while the middle hand must contain five low cards with no pairs, no straights, and no flushes. The lower these cards the better.

Taking Turns and Discarding

The game is called Open-Face Chinese Poker (or OFC for short) because you’re building these three hands face up a few cards at a time.

Pineapple open face chinese poker apps

As with all Open-Face games, you start by getting dealt five cards and place them all. On subsequent turns (following the procedure used in Pineapple OFC), you get three cards face down and place two of them in any of the available rows (bottom, middle or top). The unused card then gets discarded face down. Discards are out of play, and not shuffled back into the deck, and your opponents are not allowed to see your discards. Therefore there are only enough cards in a deck to play Deuce Pineapple OFC either heads-up or three-handed.


If you make a qualifying hand with kings or better up top, or a wheel — — in the middle, then on the next hand you enter Fantasyland. Just like in high-only Pineapple OFC, in Fantasyland you get 14 cards right away and set 13 of them into three rows face down while discarding one. Your opponents then play out their hands normally, and the result is scored against your hand.

You can stay in Fantasyland, earning another round in this advantageous position, by making a big enough bonus. For Deuce Pineapple you need either trips (three of a kind) on top, a wheel low in the middle, or quads (four of a kind) or better on the bottom to remain in Fantasyland.

15-Card Super Fantasyland

In a twist from high-only Pineapple OFC, you can also earn a 15-card “Super Fantasyland” round by qualifying for Fantasyland twice in the same normal hand. Here, for example, the player qualifies for Super Fantasyland by making both aces on top and a wheel in the middle.

This double-bonus is rare, but well worth it. If you stay in Fantasyland, “Super” or otherwise, you get a normal 14-card Fantasyland hand.

Qualification and Scoring

To make a qualifying hand, your top hand must be no better (as a normal poker hand) than your bottom hand. And your middle low hand must be at least a ten-low, meaning that your biggest card is no higher than a ten without a pair, a straight, or a flush. As with other Chinese Poker variants, a disqualified or “fouled” hand automatically loses every row.

The three rows are scored against your opponent with the winner of each row getting +1 point. If you win all three rows, this also results in a +3 scoop bonus. In addition to winning, scooping, and possible Fantasyland qualification, you also get points for any bonuses earned by a qualifying hand, even if that hand loses the row.

Bonuses for the bottom hand start with a straight, the low middle hand with a nine-low, and the top row with a pair of sixes. Full bonuses are listed here:

Sample Game

That’s a mouthful, but the game is actually quite simple. Even if you haven’t played a lot of 2-7 lowball before, that part of the game is very intuitive. Let’s fly through a quick round of 2-7 OFC, starting with the initial deal of five cards.

Once we’re dealt our first five cards, we place them. Here we’ll put the small ones into our middle low hand.


Next round, we get three cards.

We play two of them in the middle, locking up a seven-low. The is discarded, and is now out of play without the possibility of being returned to the deck.

On the next round, we play the up top, the on the bottom, and discard the .

Skipping ahead, on the last round we catch another ace. Since our bottom hand is three of a kind and thus a bigger hand than a pair of aces, we can play the ace up top for a nice bonus.

We win the top row with aces and the middle row with a seven-low, so we earn +13 in row bonuses. Our opponent wins the bottom row with a full house and earns +13 in bonuses. Thus after all of that, we win a single point.

However, making on top also takes us to Fantasyland. On the next round, we get 14 cards, and place any 13 of them into top, middle, and bottom.

Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker Online

It’s a pretty good hand, with bonuses for an eight-low in the middle, and a flush on the bottom.

We win three points overall, but our opponent makes a wheel in the middle, so on the next hand he will be in Fantasyland. And so it continues...

Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker Appetizers

Later this week I’ll return to share some strategy considerations for Open-Face Chinese Poker with 2-7 in the Middle. Meanwhile, for more OFC strategy advice click here and follow me on Twittter at @ivan_bezdomny.

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Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker online, free

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    Nikolai YakovenkoOpen-Face Chinese Pokercash game strategyChinese Poker
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    Nikolai Yakovenko